HC Deb 26 March 1906 vol 154 c868
SIR ROBERT HOBART (Hampshire, New Forest)

I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board whether he will give instructions that the separate amount of the education rate shall in future be plainly and fully stated on every poor rate demand note, and not concealed, as at the present time, under the term relief of the poor and other expenses of the guardians; and that all overseers of the poor shall be directed to give full information to magistrates, ratepayers, and all concerned as to the amount of the rate levied from time to time for educational purposes.


In the great majority of cases the amount of rate levied for education purposes is included in the demand note for the poor rate in the item "county contributions" or "borough rate." Generally speaking, county and borough councils are not required by law to inform the overseers how any such item is made up, and consequently the overseers do not necessarily know how much of it is to be raised for the purposes of education. Hence it does not seem to be practicable to call upon them to give in the demand note or otherwise the particulars which my hon. friend desires.