HC Deb 22 March 1906 vol 154 cc632-3
* MR. MASSIE (Wiltshire, Cricklade)

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Education whether he is aware of the fact that endeavours are being made throughout the country to induce the parents of children attending public elementary schools to sign a petition to Parliament in favour of the continuance of specific denominational teaching, on the ground, amongst others, that it is the intention of the present Government to abolish religious teaching altogether in the schools; whether he is aware that some pressure is being put upon elementary teachers to secure parental signatures to this petition; if so, whether any teacher who declines so to canvass the parents will have the support of the Board of Education.


I have received a large number of petitions, and I believe others are being prepared, asking that in any Amendment of the Education Act care may be taken to secure to their children the right to be taught the Christian religion as set out in the Church Catechism by Christian masters and mistresses and other teachers in regard to whom we may have some real assurance that they believe what they teach. No teacher has complained to the Board of such pressure as the Question suggests. Any teacher who declined to canvass parents would receive the Board's support, but the powers of the Board in this matter are very limited, and an aggrieved teacher would probably have a better chance of redress at the hands of the local authority.