HC Deb 22 March 1906 vol 154 c631
MR. EDWARD BARRY (Cork County, S.)

I beg to ask the hon. Member for South Somerset, as representing the President of the Board of Agriculture, whether he has seen certain recommendations recently made by Professor Long, with a view of safeguarding the natural purity of butter in Great Britain and Ireland against adulteration with fatty substances from Chigago stock yards, commonly known as margarine; that, with a view of making analytical detection possible, it be made compulsory on manufacturers of margarine to use harmless substances, such as sesame or dehydrated starch, in its manufacture; and that any substance, chemical or preservative, except pure salt, should not be allowed in the manufacture of butter; and whether, seeing that this system of facilitating detection already prevails in Germany, Belgium, and other European countries, steps will be taken to carry Mr. Long's recommendations into effect.


The suggestions made by Professor Long, to which the attention of my noble friend has been directed, will no doubt be considered by the Select Committee on the Butter Trade which has recently been appointed.