HC Deb 20 March 1906 vol 154 cc199-200
MR. HOUSTON (Liverpool, West Toxteth)

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he is aware that German and other steamers under foreign flags receive preference, in entering the docks at Buenos Ayres, and obtaining discharging berths, over English steamers, and that recently the German steamer "Pontos," although not in port, was given special permission to enter the docks, notwithstanding the late special (Argentine) Government decrees, whilst many British steamers, already in port, were waiting for discharging berths; whether he has received any Report from the British Consul in this connection; and whether he will make representations to the Argentine Government that British vessels shall at least be treated on an equality with vessels of German and other nationalities.

(Answered by Secretary Sir Edward Grey.) A Report has been received from His Majesty's Consul respecting the congested state of the docks at Buenos Ayres, and His Majesty's Chargéd' Affaires was instructed to bring about an amelioration of the present state of affairs by such means as might be open to him. If the hon. Member will give me any further details he may have as to the alleged preferential treatment there of steamers under foreign flags, I will cause inquiry to be made. No cases of preferential treatment have been reported to us.