HC Deb 15 March 1906 vol 153 c1383
MR. REDDY (King's County, Birr)

To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether his attention has been directed to the advertised sale of Cruise's farms on the Lauder property at Clonfanlough, King's County; whether he is aware that Clonfanlough is a congested area; and whether, under the circumstances, he will suggest to the Estates Commissioners the advisability of purchasing these lands with a view to increasing the size of the uneconomic holdings in the neighbourhood.

(Answered by Mr. Bryce.) I am informed by the Estates Commissioners that they have issued to the Land Judge a request, under Section 7 of the Act of 1903, with a view to their purchasing the estate referred to. The Commissioners have informed the solicitor in charge of the proceedings for sale that, in the event of their purchasing the estate, they will expect that the lands now occupied by Mr. Cruise shall be included in the purchase as untenanted lands.