HC Deb 09 March 1906 vol 153 c774

To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland if he can state the lowest salary paid to principals of national schools with an average attendance of over 100 pupils, and for schools with an average of over 200 and the same for schools with an average of over 300; and if he can state the corresponding salary for similar schools in England and Scotland.

(Answered by Mr. Bryce.) The Commissioners of National Education inform me that the lowest salary paid in such cases is the commencing salary under the general scale, viz., £56 for a man and £44 for a woman, in both cases independent of capitation grant, which is at least £15 a year. The payment of such minimum salaries, however, only arises in cases in which the local managers, in the exercise of the discretion which the Commissioners' rules confer upon them, see fit to appoint to the principal charge of these important schools persons whose previous service as national teachers has been very short. These salaries carry triennial increments, contingent upon favourable reports. The Commissioners have no authoritative information upon the Question as regards England and Scotland.