MR. O'HARA (Monaghan, N.)To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether his attention has been called to the passage of a resolution by the County Monaghan Committee of Agriculture and Technical Instruction, calling for the reform of the Department of Agriculture so that it will work intelligently for the needs of and in harmony with the people of Ireland; whether he can state when the proposed inquiry into the work of the Department is to begin, and by whom it is to be conducted; and will any representations be received from county committees or county councils as to the future working of the Department.
(Answered by Mr. Bryce.) My attention has been called to the resolution.
† See (4) Debates, clii., 1028.1275 referred to. It is intended that the inquiries which I propose to prosecute shall begin at an early date, and I shall shortly be in a position to state the names of the gentlemen who will hold it. I shall arrange that representations received from the bodies named are duly considered at the inquiry.