HC Deb 28 June 1906 vol 159 c1115
SIR JOHN KENNAWAY (Devonshire, Honiton)

To ask the President of the Local Government Board if he will state the number of Poor Law children

Number of children chargeable to Poor Law Unions in London. Number of children chargeable to Poor Law Unions outside London. Total.
(a) Not including insane and idiots:—
1. In workhouses, otherwise than in infirm wards 1,023 13,543 14,566
2. In infirm wards or infirmaries 2,061 4,899 6,960
(b) Insane and idiots in work-houses † 5 288 293
3,089 18,730 21,819
† There were also 156 children chargeable to London Unions in district sick asylums and 756 children in the imbecile asylums belonging to the managers of the Metropolitan Asylum Districts.

The number of children under three years of age chargeable to Poor Law unions in London in the workhouses, on January 6th, was 737, and in infirmaries 916. The numbers above the age of three years were on the same date 371 and 1,015 respectively. Similar information with regard to the rest of England and Wales is not available.