HC Deb 28 June 1906 vol 159 cc1103-4

To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland how much money was allowed and placed at the disposal of the Board Works to carry out the improvements to Kinvara Harbour; when the works were brought to an abrupt conclusion, on the 30th April, 1906, how much of the the money remained unexpended; and will the balance, if any, be handed over to the county council for the extension of the pier.

(Answered by Mr. Bryce.) The certified works at Kinvara, under the Marine Works Act, were estimated to cost £1,900, of which the sum of £1,100 was allocated from the Marine Works Fund and £800 was to be contributed by the county council. These works have been completed; and as they were executed by the Board of Works themselves, instead of by a contractor, and as it was found that portions of the old work were still quite sound, the Board were enabled to complete the work at a cost of £1,369. The county council have not yet paid their contribution. The balance cannot be handed over to the council for the proposed extension to the pier. It is in regard to that proposed extension that the legal difficulty mentioned in my † See col. 150. reply to the hon. Member's Question of Tuesday last has arisen.†