HC Deb 26 June 1906 vol 159 c752
MR. WEIR (ROSS and Cromarty)

To ask the Secretary for Scotland if he will state in what districts of the mainland of Ross-shire it is proposed to settle cottars migrated from the Island of Lewis.

(Answered by Mr. Sinclair.) In 1901 inquiries were addressed to the Lewis Landward Committee upon this subject, who replied in the negative in December, 1905. Since then the Landward Committee report that there may be a prospect of some crofters or cottars being willing to migrate to the mainland. But the funds now at the disposal of the Board for purchase are very limited, and it is the opinion of the Board that, pending legislation, which the hon. Member knows is in course of preparation, no immediate steps can be taken in connection with the formation of new settlements.