HC Deb 25 June 1906 vol 159 cc602-3

To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether his attention has bean called to the effect on the ratepayers of Ireland of the operation of Clause 6 of the Local Government (Ireland) Amending Act of 1902; and whether, seeing that the existence of this clause in the Act has given dissatisfaction to all the Poor Law unions of Ireland, and also so the officers of these bodies, he will see his way to have the clause repealed, or, as an alternative, will recommend the Treasury to accede to the request of the Poor Law Association of Ireland by giving an equivalent grant to the Poor Law unions of Ireland in aid of salaries.

(Answered by Mr. Bryce.) The Local Government Board have received from some unions requests for the repeal of the section quoted, but it is not the fact that the operations of the section has given dissatisfaction to all unions. I have already stated that it is not the intention of the Government as at present advised to take steps for the repeal of this section, and I would refer the hon. Member to my replies to Questions on the subject put by the hon. Member for South Cork on the 12th March† and 23rd May.‡