§ MR. DUFFY (Galway, S.)I beg to ask Mr. Attorney-General for Ireland whether he is aware that Francis J. Persse, J.P., sat at Gort, county Galway, Petty Sessions on May 3rd, and adjudicated in a licensing case, in which Mr. Hart of Gort was defendant, and he being
† See (4) Debates, clviii., 690.660 a tenant on the estate over which Mr. Persse acts as agent; and whether the Government will take steps to prevent justices acting in the dual capacity of agent of disturbed estates and officiating magisterially at the same time.
§ THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL FOR IRELAND (Mr. CHERRY,) Liverpool, ExchangeI believe the facts to be as stated in the Question. It would appear that a Mr. Hart was prosecuted by the police at the Gort Petty Sessions for a breach of the licensing laws in having his licensed premises open at a prohibited time. The case was heard before the resident magistrate and two other magistrates, of whom Mr. Persse was one, and was dismissed upon the merits. No objection was made to Mr. Persse adjudicating, and the fact that he is alleged to be agent over the estate upon which Hart resided was not a legal disqualification to his acting as a magistrate at the hearing of the case.