§ MR. LONSDALE (Armagh, Mid.)To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether his attention has been called to the proceedings at an auction of coal, seized by the police to defray the fine imposed upon Mr. Patrick O'Carroll, a member of the Dublin Corporation, for having his name printed on his cart as Phadrig O'Cearbhaill, in Irish characters; whether he is aware that a crowd was attracted by handbills denouncing the Government, and declaring that the proceeds of the sale would be devoted to the part payment of the salaries of the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant and Sir Antony Macdonnell, and that the police had to be called in to quell the disorder; and whether proceedings will be instituted against the persons who organised this disturbance.
(Answered by Mr Bryce.) Until this Question was put down my attention was not called to the proceedings referred to. The hon. Member will, I am sure, be delighted to learn that the disorder on the occasion referred to was not of a serious nature; It appears that some persons interrupted the proceedings, and that the police, at the 597 request of the auctioneer, ejected the offenders. The police authorities inform me that, in. their opinion, no further proceedings are necessary.