§ *MR. P. W. WILSON (St. Pancras, S.)I beg to ask the First Commissioner of Works whether he has received any representations respecting the towers which appear upon the plans of the new Government building facing Great George Street; and whether he is prepared to authorise the construction of any or all of those towers.
§ *MR. HARCOURTYes, Sir; I received a strong representation from the Council of the Royal Institute of British Architects in favour of the completion of the towers on the Great George Street front of the new Public Offices. I replied to them in the following letter:—" I am much obliged by your letter of the 25th. Though I maintain my own opinion that the proposed very high towers on the Great George Street front of the now Public Offices are not architecturally or aesthetically desirable, I am not prepared to put my artistic opinions against those of the Council of the Royal Institute of British Architects. I have therefore given immediate instructions that the single tower of the building now in course of construction shall be continued and completed on the lines originally laid down by Mr. John Brydon. I need not say that I shall always greatly value any criticism or assistance that the Institute is good enough to afford me in that part of my duties which is connected with architecture." I may add that I have asked the contractors to see that as far as possible the masons to be engaged on this work shall be those who were discharged on its suspension, and the contractor has promised to meet my wishes.