§ THE PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARY TO THE TREASURY (Mr. GEORGE WHITELEY, Yorkshire, W.R., Pudsey) moved, "That the House do now adjourn."
§ SIR A. ACLAND-HOODasked what would be the order of business for to-morrow.
§ MR. GEORGE WHITELEYthat said the first order would be Irish Labourers' 932 Bill, the second the Finance Bill, the third the Revenue Bill.
§ MR. KEIR HARDIEasked what business would be taken on Friday.
§ MR. CLAUDE HAYsaid he wished to know what would be the fourth and fifth Bills taken. It was quite clear that during the last week or so the Patronage Secretary to the Treasury had been ready to spring Bills on the House.
§ MR. GEORGE WHITELEYsaid the fourth Bill would be the Post Office Sites Bill; the fifth, the Charitable Loan Societies (Ireland) Bill; the sixth, the Indian Railways Act Amendment Bill, and others. Nothing had been yet decided as to what business would be taken on Friday.
§ Adjourned at twelve minutes after Eleven o'clock.