HC Deb 11 June 1906 vol 158 c684
MR. SLOAN (Belfast, S.)

To ask the Postmaster-General if, in view of the fact that the site for the new post office for Monaghan is now under consideration for over four years, and that the office at present occupied has been condemned as unsanitary, he will say when it may be expected to be completed; and if, in view of the fact that the staff at the office are compelled to work under disadvantageous circumstances, owing to the noxious smells and sewer gas from the basement, steps will be taken to either complete the purchase of the site under consideration, for which the money was voted in 1903, or to accept the site offered to the Post Office in Market Street.

(Answered by Mr. Sydney Buxton.) I am fully aware of the necessity for a now post office in Monaghan, and, as I stated on the 23rd ultimo,† in reply to a Question asked by the hon. Member for that town, I hope that the legal difficulties in regard to the site, which have caused the delay, will be removed at an early date. It would be unwise, I think, at this stage to consider another site.