MR. HERBERT (Buckinghamshire, Wycombe)To ask the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies what is the total number of white adult males in the Transvaal; of the total number how many are British subjects, and how many are not British subjects; of the total
† See (4) Debates, ciix., 1112–3678 number of British subjects how many are of British birth, and not of British birth respectively; and of the total of those not of British birth, though British subjects, how many are Boers, and how many belong to other races.(Answered by Mr. Churchill.) There is no reliable estimate for bringing the figures of the Census of April, 1904, up to date. The total number of adult male British subjects at that date is given as 91,484. The Census does not provide the means of answering the other points raised in. the Question.