§ DR. COOPER (Southwark, Bermondsey)To ask the Chairman of the Kitchen Committee whether his attention has been directed to the long hours of work the waiters, attendants, kitchen porters and attendants, still-room maids, and others engaged by the Kitchen Committee are now working; whether he will give, for each class, the usual hour of commencing and leaving off work, the rate of pay of each class, and whether paid by the hour, day, or week; whether any, and, if any, what, classes are required to be in attendance if the eleven o'clock rule is suspended; whether any pay is given for this extra duty, and on what scale; whether any emolument is received besides pay; and whether the employment is permanent or for the session only.
(Answered by Mr. Jacoby.) The information asked for by the hon. Member will be more conveniently supplied by a Return than by an Answer to a Question. If the hon. Member will move for a Return I will consult with the Kitchen Committee as to the desirability of supplying the information. The suspension of the eleven o'clock rule being temporary, no purpose can be served in replying to the details contained in the hon. Member's Question. As regards the extra late hours, the Kitchen Committee has made provision for their staff to meet the case of overtime.