HC Deb 16 July 1906 vol 160 c1348

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether his attention has been called to the fact that at Glenties, county Donegal, on the 7th instant, 500 people, many of them carrying sticks, assembled at the workhouse and intimidated the guardians into rescinding a resolution passed a month ago voting an increase of salary to the clerk of the union; whether the Local Government Board has sanctioned this increase; and what steps they propose to take in the mutter.


An increase of salary of £20 a year was voted by the Glenties Board of Guardians to the clerk of the Glenties Union on June 5th, and a letter notifying the sanction of the Local Government Board was issued on June 22nd. A deputation of ratepayers attended at the guardians' meeting on the 7th instant to protest against the increase, but it does not appear from the guardians' minutes that any proposal was made to rescind the resolution granting the increase. No necessity, therefore, has arisen for the Local Government Board to take any steps in the matter. I am informed by the police authorities that it is the fact that a large number of ratepayers accompanied the deputation referred to, but their deameanour was quiet and orderly, and no intimidation was used.