§ Sir WILLIAM BRAMPTON GURDON reported from the Committee of Selection; That they had added to the Standing Committee on Trade (including Agriculture and Fishing), Shipping, and Manufactures, the following fifteen Members in respect of the Town Tenants (Ireland) Bill: Mr. Clancy, Mr. Mooney, Mr. Charles Devlin, Mr. Field, Mr. Patrick O'Brien, Mr. Vincent Kennedy, Mr. Duffy, Mr. Joyce, Mr. Luke White, Mr. Hart Davies, Mr. Hudson, Mr. Charles Craig, Mr. Hugh Barrie, Mr. Fetherstonshaugh and Mr. James Campbell.
§ Sir WILLIAM BRAMPTON GURDON further reported from the Committee: That they had discharged the following Members from the Standing Committee on Trade (including Agriculture and Fishing), Shipping, and Manufactures, in respect of the Town Tenants (Ireland) Bill; Mr. Attorney-General, Mr. Herbert Samuel, and Mr. Cremer; and had appointed in substitution: Mr. Attorney-General for Ireland, Mr. James Bryce, and Mr. John Williams.
§ Sir WILLIAM BRAMPTON GURDON further reported: That they had discharged the following Member from the Standing Committee on Trade (including Agriculture and Fishing), Shipping, and Manufactures, in respect of the Fatal Accidents and Sudden Deaths Inquiry (Scotland) Bill: Mr. Halley Stewart; and had appointed in substitution: Mr. Watt.
§ Reports to lie upon the Table.