HC Deb 10 July 1906 vol 160 cc729-30

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether, in view of the danger and inconvenience of the crossing Dun drum inner bay at low water, he will consider, in conjunction with the Secretary of State for War, the Agricultural Board, and the local authorities, the advisability of erecting a bridge joining Ballykinlar Camp, at Redmond's Point, with Dundrum for the convenience of farmers in that agricultural centre as well as for the troops quartered there during: a large portion of the year.


It has been represented to the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction that a bridge or causeway at the place suggested would be a great convenience to the residents of the district. The navigation, however, would have to be provided for and the project would present considerable difficulty, and in the circumstances the Department are of opinion that they would not be justified in incurring expenditure on the suggested works. I have communicated with my right hon. friend the Secretary of State for War upon the subject, and he informs me that a bridge would not be of sufficient importance from a military point of view to justify the expenditure of Army funds upon it.