HC Deb 09 July 1906 vol 160 c496

To ask the President of the Local Government Board whether he has received a petition from the Merthyr Board of Guardians praying that a committee of inquiry be set up to report upon the present system of assessing coal raised in the country for the purpose of rating and to fix a national basis for assessment purposes, and what action he purposes taking.

(Answered by Mr. John Hums.) I have received a copy of a Resolution passed by the Merthyr Tydvil guardians on this subject, and I am aware that complaints have been made as to the different methods adopted of ascertaining the rateable value of coal mines. The Royal Commission on Local Taxation referred to the matter in their final Report, and recommended special means for dealing with the valuation of these and some other properties. I do not think it necessary that a committee should be appointed, as suggested by the guardians, but the mode of valuing coal mines will not be lost sight of when the Government are considering the subject of valuation.