§ MR. LUNDONI beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland if the inspector appointed by the Irish Land Commission to look into the claims of the evicted tenants in the county of Limerick has been instructed to investigate the claim to reinstatement to her farm of Mrs. Hartigan; is he aware that this farm, situated at Bally nanty, Bruff, county Limerick, had been in the possession of the Hartigan family for 200 years, and had been rented by the father of the late tenant at 12s. per acre, but on being improved by him was raised by the landlord to ,£3 5s. per acre with a fine of £500; and will the inspector be instructed to mediate between Mrs. Hartigan and her landlord, J. C Wilmot-Smith, The Hall, Boroughbridge Yorkshire, with a view to an arrangement.
MR. BRYCEThe Estates Commissioners inform me that an application for reinstatement has been received from Mrs. Anne Hartigan, and will, with others of a similar nature, be inquired 245 into by an inspector in due course. The Commissioners have, at Mrs. Hartigan's request, already approached the landlord, and have been informed by him that Patrick Hartigan, the former tenant, was not evicted from his farm but gave up possession in 1888 when he owed a very large amount of rent. The landlord states that he is now farming the land himself, and does not intend to sell it.
§ MR. JOHN REDMOND (Waterford.)Has the right hon. Gentleman informed himself as to the correctness of the facts stated in the Question and of the circumstances of the case, namely, is it a fact that this tenant has expended over £1,000 on the improvement of the farm, and when the lease fell in the rent was raised from 20s. to 65s. per acre, and under the circumstances will not the Estates Commissioners act as arbitrators in order to have a settlement carried out?
MR. BRYCEThese facts are not within my knowledge, but it is very proper that they should be brought to the knowledge of the Commissioners who will investigate them.
§ MR. JOHN REDMONDI hope their attention will be called to the facts as stated.