HC Deb 04 July 1906 vol 160 cc10-1
DR. HAZEL (West Bromwich)

To ask the Secretary of State for India, in view of the fact that the appointments of Mr. E Candlor to the principalship of the Hooghly College in Bengal, and of Mr. W. Home to an inspectorship of schools in the same province, are temporary ones made during the absence on leave of the permanent holders, will he say what were the educational posts these gentlemen were holding at the time of their appointment to the Indian educational service; what is the length of time during which they have been appointed to act; and who are the permanent incumbents of the posts under Government which they hold.

(Answered by Mr. Secretary Morley.) I understand that, at the time of his appointment to his present post Mr. Candler was tutor in the family of an Indian nobleman, Mr. Horne was tutor to the sons of the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal, they had previously held scholastic posts in India and in Scotland respectively. Mr. Candler and Mr. Horne are officiating for Mr. N. L. Hallward and Mr. H. R. James, who have been granted leave, the former for twelve and the latter for eighteen months.