HC Deb 02 July 1906 vol 159 c1381

To ask the Secretary of State for India whether his attention has been called to the fact that Mr. Lack, the settlement officer at Barisal, has been complained against for wrongful imprisonment of the tenants (ryots) of two lady zemindars of Backergunj and other persons in the locality; that the complaint was dismissed by the local magistrate, Mr. Emerson, in his private room, without a hearing, as frivolous and false; whether such action lies within the power of Mr. Emerson; and whether, in view of the state of public feeling in the new province, he will say what steps he intends to take in the matter.

(Answered by Mr. Secretary Morley.) As I stated in answer to a Question on the 21st June,† I have no information as to the facts, but I will inquire and consider whether any action is necessary.