HC Deb 28 February 1906 vol 152 c1145
MR. FFEENCH (Wexford, S.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that at a recent meeting the Wexford County Council passed a resolution to the effect that the expenses of the annual preparation of the jurors' and voters' lists was excessive, amounting in the county to £1,100, and that the part of this work done by clerks of unions, and the emoluments connected therewith, supposed to be from £500 to £600 would eventually fall in to the secretary of the county council; and that, as this expenditure comes altogether out of the local rates, they request the Government to have the law altered so that when the work falls into the county council office the county council may be entited to fix the remuneration instead of, as at present, having it fixed by statutory fees; and whether he can promise legislation in the direction indicated in the resolution.


I understand that the Wexford County Council have passed a resolution to the effect stated. The expenses of the preparation of jurors' lists are regulated by rules fixed by orders in Council. The remuneration and expenses of officers engaged in the preparation of the franchise lists are paid in accordance with the scale made by the Local Government Board under the Parliamentary Registration Expense Act, 1890. It must be borne in mind that a large proportion of the fees received by secretaries of county councils is paid to their assistants. The Local Government Board have not been made aware that there is any general desire on the part of local authorities to have the existing practice altered.