HC Deb 28 February 1906 vol 152 c1138
MR. DELANY (Queen's County, Ossory)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that Sub-Commissioners Tuckey and Baggot, on the application of Mrs. Morrin, Brittas, Queen's County, to fix a second-term rent, recently heard before them at Mary borough, raised the first-term rent of £20 to £22 6s., the landlord valuer's estimate of the fair rent being £20, and that of the valuer for the tenant £16 10s.; and whether he can state on what basis those officials acted in raising the rent £2 6s. over the estimate of the landlord's valuer.


It is the fact that a Sub-Commission Court, presided over by Mr. Tuckey, Legal Assistant-Commissioner, raised the fair rout in this case from £20, the amount of the first term rent, to £22 6s. I am informed by the Land Commission that the case was heard and decided in the ordinary way, each party being legally represented and producing evidence at the hearing. The decisions of Sub-Commissions are judicial decisions subject to appeal, and in this case an appeal was taken with the result that the rent for the second term was fixed at £20, the amount of the first term rout, instead of £22 6s., the amount fixed by the Sub-Commission.


Will the right hon. Gentleman answer the last paragraph of the Question?


I can say nothing as to the motives of the Commissioners.