§ MR. CONDON (Tipperary, E.)To ask Mr. Attorney-General for Ireland whether he is aware that the officials of some of the Chancery Courts in Dublin require the solicitors to advertise legal notices in connection with cases pending in these courts in the General Advertiser newspaper, Dublin; and whether, in view of the circulation of that newspaper compared with that of the other Dublin newspapers, he will explain why that 769 particular newspaper is selected, and will he announce that in future the other Dublin newspapers shall be capable of selection by the solicitor having carriage of the case.
(Answered by Mr. Cherry.) This is not a matter which in any way comes within my jurisdiction. The judges of the Chancery Division in Ireland have entire control of the advertising in their own courts, but I have made inquiries from their offices and I am informed that in the Lord Chancellor's Chambers and the Land Judge's Court the newspapers for advertisements are, as a rule, selected by the solicitors in the proceedings, and that advertisements are rarely published in the General Advertiser. The practice in the Chambers of the Master of the Rolls and Mr. Justice Barton is to require one advertisement in the General Advertiser, the reason for this rule being that it is considered desirable to have one newspaper in which parties may be sure of seeing all advertisements, and the General Advertiser is considered the most suitable for the purpose.