HC Deb 26 February 1906 vol 152 cc805-6
MR. J. CHAMBERLAIN (Birmingham, W.)

I rise to ask a Question about the conduct of the business of the House. In the absence of the Prime Minister, I wish to ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what are the intentions of the Government with regard to the debate on the Address. The Prime Minister has

given notice to suspend the twelve o'clock rule to-night. At this early period of the session that constitutes a record. I assume it is not intended to keep us up late. On the Address only two Amendments have been dealt with, and there are a number still down on the Paper, some of which are of special importance. I regard as of special importance those standing in the name of the hon. and gallant Member for Stepney and also the one standing in the name of the hon. Member for Hoxton. I have no idea how long the first Amendment dealing with Indian administration will last, but, supposing with every good will on all sides of the House, we are unable to complete the debate by twelve o'clock, I hope it is not the intention of the Government to close the Address prematurely.


It is certainly the intention of the Government to ask the House to come to a conclusion on the Address to-night. The Government, having carefully considered the character of the various Amendments down on the Paper, and the amount of time which might fairly be devoted to each one, have come to the conclusion that every topic will have an opportunity of being adequately discussed, and it is certainly their intention to ask the House to conclude the debate to-night. Under no other conditions can the necessary financial business be completed by March 31st.


After that statement, we shall oppose both Government Resolutions.