§ MR. JAMES O'CONNOR (Wicklow, W.)I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland if he can state the amount of the salary paid to Mr. Porter, an official of the Board of Agriculture and Technical Instruction in Ireland; what are his duties; and what are his qualifications for the discharge of those duties.
MR. BRYCEMr. Porter receives a salary of £955, which includes subsistence allowance when travelling. He was, in pursuance of the Act establishing the Department, transferred at this salary from the Land Commission, where he was superintendent of its Agricultural Department. His present duties are those of an inspector in the agricultural branch of the Department, and he has proved himself to be an efficient officer.
§ MR. JAMES O'CONNORIs it not possible to get a man to look after bees for less than £955 a year?
§ MR. JAMES O'CONNORIs not Mr. Porter's real qualification for the post to be found in the fact he is the son-in-law of Mr. Wrench, the Land Commissioner?
§ MR. KILBRIDEWhat was his salary before he was transferred to the Bee Department?
§ MR. T. W. RUSSELLWas he not first appointed an Assistant Land Commissioner, then transferred to the Congested District Board, and then pitchforked into the Board of Agriculture because it was impossible to find any work for him to do?
§ MR. SPEAKEROrder, order! Notice should be given of these Questions.