§ MR. FIELD (Dublin, St. Patrick)To ask the President of the Local Government Board whether the Government 213 will consider the advisability of introducing a Bill providing compensation to the owners of animals purchased at full market value in open market but subsequently condemned for alleged tuberculosis; whether he will in the meantime arrange that a uniform system of inspection of native meat shall be arranged, and that imported, especially boneless, meat shall be inspected in a similar fashion.
(Answered by Mr. John Burns.) I could not promise to introduce a Bill on the subject referred to in the first part of the Question pending the Report of the Royal Commission on Tuberculosis. Legislation would be necessary to secure a uniform system of meat inspection, but a Report to the Local Government Board by Dr. Buchanan, one of their medical inspectors, has lately been issued on administration in London with regard to pigs affected by tuberculosis, which will no doubt receive the consideration of local authorities, and will, I hope, lead to some improvement in the present system.