HC Deb 21 December 1906 vol 167 cc1862-5
MR. J. H. WHITLEY (Halifax)

I beg to ask the Prime Minister whether, in view of the rejection or amendment by the other House of the Education Bill, the Plural Voting Bill, the Town Tenants (Ireland) Bill, and the Land Tenure Bill, he will take into consideration during the recess the desirability of proposing early next session a new Standing Order empowering the House, on the Motion of a Minister of the Crown, to pass through all its stages in the one sitting any Bill which has failed to pass into Law by reason of the action of the other House, and thus prevent the other House from nullifying the result of the prolonged labour of this House. In putting the Question the hon. Member said a word had been seriously altered by the authorities at the Table. He had written "in view of the rejection or 'mutilation' by the other House of" the Bills referred to. He would ask the Prime Minister to take the word "amendment" in a strictly ironical sense.


The form of the Question was altered by my direction. I did not think that in the form in which it was given it was respectful to the other House.

MR. T. L. CORBETT (Down, N.)

desired to call attention to an error in including the Town Tenants (Ireland) Bill in the Question. In its amended form that Bill was agreeable to all Irish Members.

The following Questions on the same subject also appeared on the Paper:

MR. P. BARLOW (Bedford)

To ask the Prime Minister whether, in view of the rejection or amendment by the other House of the Education Bill, the Plural Voting Bill, the Town Tenants (Ireland) Bill, and the Land Tenure Bill, he will take into consideration during the recess the desirability of proposing early next session a new Standing Order empowering the House, on the Motion of a Prime Minister of the Crown, to pass through all its stages in one sitting any Bill which has failed to pass into Law by reason of the action of the other House, and thus prevent the other House from nullifying the result of the prolonged labour of this House.

MR. MYER (Lambeth, N.)

To ask the Prime Minister whether, in view of the rejection or amendment by the other House of the Education Bill, the Plural Voting Bill, the Town Tenants (Ireland) Bill, and the Land Tenure Bill, he will take into consideration during the recess the desirability of proposing early next session a new Standing Order, empowering the House, on the Motion of a Minister of the Crown, to pass through all its stages in one sitting any Bill which has failed to pass into Law by reason of the action of the other House, and thus prevent the other House from nullifying the result of the prolonged labour of this House.

MR. RAPHAEL (Derbyshire, S.)

To ask the Prime Minister whether in view of the rejection or amendment by the other House of the Education Bill, the Plural Voting Bill, the Town Tenants (Ireland) Bill, and the Land Tenure Bill, he will take into consideration during the recess the desirability of proposing early next session a new Standing Order empowering the House, on the motion of a Minister of the Crown, to pass through all its stages in one sitting any Bill which has failed to pass into Law by reason of the action of the other House, and thus prevent the other House from nullifying the result of the prolonged labour of this House.

MR. RAINY (Kilmarnock Burghs)

To ask the Prime Minister whether, in view of the rejection or amendment by the other House of the Education Bill, the Plural Voting Bill, the Town Tenants (Ireland) Bill, and the Land Tenure Bill, he will during the recess take into consideration the desirability of proposing early next session a new Standing Order empowering the House, on the Motion of a Minister of the Crown, to pass through all its stages in one sitting any Bill which has failed to pass into Law by reason of the action of the other House, which has had the effect of nullifying the result of the prolonged labour of this House.

MR. LEHMANN (Leicestershire, Market Harborough)

To ask the Prime Minister whether, in view of the rejection or amendment by the other House of the Education Bill, the Plural Voting Bill, the Town Tenants (Ireland) Bill, and the Land Tenure Bill, he will take into consideration during the recess the desirability of proposing early next session a new Standing Order empowering the House, on the Motion of a Minister of the Crown, to pass through all its stages in one sitting any Bill which has failed to pass into Law by reason of the action of the other House, and thus prevent the other House from nullifying the result of the prolonged labour of this House.


To ask the Prime Minister whether, in view of the treatment by the House of Lords of Bills passed by this House by large majorities, he will consider the desirability of introducing, at an early period, a measure limiting the veto of the House of Lords in the case of measures which have passed twice through this House.


Perhaps I may be allowed to do what I think is quite unexampled in answering Questions—to reply to seven Questions put to me in similar terms. I do not think so large a catch of fish has ever fallen to one net. My hon. friends cannot expect a definite reply at the present moment, but, of course, the Questions they raise will receive the most serious attention o the Government.


asked whether his second Question was included in the right hon. Gentleman's Answer. It seemed to be somewhat different from the others.


Yes, certainly it is different, but it requires the same Answer.