HC Deb 19 December 1906 vol 167 c1529
MR. HUDSON (Newcastle-on-Tyne)

I beg to ask the Prime Minister whether he is aware that over 100 men, many of whom had been employed in the works for periods varying from forty to fifty years, have been dismissed from the Crewe shops of the London and North Western Railway Company; that the mayor of Crewe has issued an appeal on their behalf stating that, owing to their age, they will have great difficulty in procuring other employment; and whether the Government will, on an early day, either by providing old age pensions or some form of employment, make provison for such cases.


I have no official knowledge of the circumstances, but I have no doubt that the facts are us stated by the hon. Member. I am afraid what has happened affords only one instance the more of the urgent need for some system of old age pensions.