HC Deb 17 December 1906 vol 167 c998

To ask the Secretary to the Treasury if he will give the number of women clerks or typists employed, in connection with Royal Commissions, and paid out of public funds, during the present year; what rate or rates of wages have been or are paid them per day, per week, and for overtime; whether they are engaged and paid directly or through the agency of typewriting offices; and, in the latter case, will he state the names of the contractors.

(Answered by Mr. McKenna.) The usual practice is to place an allowance for clerical assistance at the disposal of the secretary to a Royal Commission, the amount of the allowance depending on the nature and amount of the work required for the Commission. The persons employed under this allowance are engaged by the secretary and their rates of remuneration are fixed by him. According to the latest accounts rendered by the Commissions, the number of women clerks and typists employed appears to be ten, at rates of pay ranging from £1 1s. to £2 a week. I may add that claims for overtime on the part of the staff of temporary Commissions are not recognised, except under very exceptional circumstances.