HC Deb 17 December 1906 vol 167 c1014
MR. WATT (Glasgow, College)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War whether the removal of the Scots Greys from Scotland is to be attributed to the insanitary condition of Piershill Barracks, or to consideration of Army efficiency.


As I informed my hon. friend. the Member for the Kirkcaldy Boroughs, on the 6th instant,†the withdrawal of this regiment from Piershill is due to the unsuitable character, for such a unit, of those barracks. Apart from the defects in sanitation shown in the Reports lately laid on the Table of the House (Cd. 2996), they are too small to accommodate a cavalry regiment.


asked whether, having regard to the statements which appeared in the newspapers on Saturday as to the insanitary condition of those barracks, the right hon. Gentleman had satisfied himself that there was no risk to the health of either officers or men from the regiment's being retained there until he was able to make other arrangements.


We will move them from insanitary quarters as quickly as possible. We think there is no substantial risk. We do not like retaining any regiment in barracks in the condition in which Piershill barracks are.