§ SIR GEORGE DOUGHTY (Great Grimsby)I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention has been called to the breaches made by the gales of last winter in the Humber bank, thereby flooding the low lands of Kilnsea and Easington; whether he is aware that nothing has been done to repair these breaches and that the Treasury have repudiated their obligation after maintaining them for over fifty years; and what steps he proposes to take in the event of this winter's storm sweeping through the bank and affecting the navigable channels of the Humber, thereby causing silting and injury to the approaches to the city of Hull and the port of Grimsby, and also endangering the anchorage for shelter of His Majesty's Navy and the mercantile marine.
§ *MR. KEARLEYThe Board of Trade have received reports as to the damage done by the gales of last winter to the sea banks of Kilnsea and Easington Levels, whereby a considerable extent of low lands became flooded, and I under-stand that it is the case that the breaches in the banks have not since been repaired. These banks have always been maintained by the local Commission of Sewers at the expense of the owners of the lands requiring protection, and not by His Majesty's Government. The Board of Trade are advised that there is no reason to anticipate that the navigable depth of the Humber would be affected to any appreciable extent by the passage of water across the low lands in question.
MR. STANLEY WILSONasked if it were not the fact that every extra high tide of the sea sweeps through the breaches. Would the Government not reconsider their determination to refuse assistance for remaking the bank.
§ *MR. KEARLEYThe Board of Trade sent down an eminent engineer, and the Royal Commission on Sea Erosion has also taken evidence on the matter.
MR. STANLEY WILSONBut does the hon. Gentleman realise that before the Royal Commission can report the damage done may be irreparable?
§ *MR. KEARLEYI have had many representations to that effect from the hon. Gentleman.
§ SIR GEORGE DOUGHTYHave not the Government for fifty years maintained a portion of the bank?
§ MR. KEARLEYYes, in connection with the Spurn lighthouse.