HC Deb 13 December 1906 vol 167 cc649-50

To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, if he is aware of the annoyances and threats towards various persons since the late election for having exorcised their right of private judgment; whether he is aware that on Wednesday night, 28th November, the annual social meeting of the Bushmills Presbyterian Church was made a scene of disturbance; that a speaker was interrupted during his discourse, and that clergymen and their wives were hooted and threatened when leaving the lecture hall, and members of the congregation were stoned on their way home; whether he proposes to give police protection to these people, who have been attacked because they hold political views in opposition to the Conservative interest; and whether the Government will prosecute for the offences done on Wednesday night, 28th November, in the presence of the police, as it is dangerous for anyone to prosecute in his private capacity.

(Answered by Mr. Bryce.) I am informed by the police authorities that no complaint to the effect stated has been made to the local police. The police, however, are aware that at the meeting referred to one of the speakers was interrupted by a man who was under the influence of drink. This man was ejected from the room, and the police prevented him from returning. After the meeting a clergyman and several other persons were hooted at by some disorderly persons, and a few small stones were thrown at them. The police have issued summonses against six offenders, and the case was to be heard to-day. The police appear to have acted promptly in this matter, and the hon. Member may rest assured that all possible protection will be afforded to any persons who may need it, and that every effort will be made to secure to every one the free exercise of all civil rights.