HC Deb 11 December 1906 vol 167 c139
MR. FERENS (Hull, E.)

I beg to ask the hon. Member for East Bristol, as Church Estates Commissioner, the number of licensed houses owned by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners in the East Riding of Yorkshire, the number of leases granted or renewed to licensed premises during the past ten years, and the number of leases which will fall in during the next five years, and where, in the latter case, such houses are situated.


So far as the Ecclesiastical Commissioners are aware, there is no licensed house upon any of their estates in the East Riding of Yorkshire. It may be that there are licensed houses on some of the land, held upon beneficial leases for lives granted by the Commissioners' predecessors in title still outstanding, or upon copyholds of inheritance in manors belonging to the Commissioners, but such properties are not under the control of the Commissioners.