HC Deb 03 December 1906 vol 166 cc574-5
MR. MOND (Chester)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War whether, in view of the admitted danger caused to the National Gallery in case of fire by the recruiting station immediately at the † See Col. 543. back of the Gallery, and the promises already made for the removal of this building, he will give instructions to have this carried out without further delay.


I do not admit that the proximity of the London recruiting depot is a cause of unusual danger to the National Gallery. I would point out that there are some shops distant from the west end of the Gallery about twenty-two feet only, whereas at the nearest point there is a space of 110 feet between the Gallery and the War Department buildings; the buildings which stood upon this intervening space were pulled down at the and of 1902. I notice that there is a fire brigade station at a short distance from the spot.


Was it not promised six or seven years ago that the land occupied by these barracks should be allotted to the extension of the two National Galleries?


Some intermediate buildings were pulled down a short time ago and the space of 110 feat secured. If those responsible for the National Galleries will find the funds for a new recruiting office I shall not stand in the way of any change.