HC Deb 02 August 1906 vol 162 cc1374-5
MR. FLYNN (Cork, N.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord lieutenant of Ireland whether a policy of retrenchment in the cost of the constabulary force in Ireland has the approval of the present Irish Government; if so, ‡ See (4) Debates, clxi., 408. what stops are being taken at present to carry it into practical operation; and if the Government, with a view to economy, will throw open the positions of district and county inspectors to intelligent, well-conducted constables who have gained their experience in the ranks.


For the Answers to the first two inquiries I beg to refer to my reply to the (Question of the hon. Member for the Birr Division on Tuesday last † The reply to the concluding inquiry is that every alternate promotion to the rank of district inspector is given to men who have risen from the rank of constable, and promotions to county inspectorships are made from the district inspectors. No change in this respect is at present contemplated.


Will the right hon. gentleman consider the desirability of making more promotions from the ranks?


That Question will be considered with others.