HC Deb 02 August 1906 vol 162 c1370
MR. CATHCART WASON (Orkney and Shetland)

I bog to ask the First Commissioner of Works if he is aware that the speed limit in Richmond Park is constantly exceeded, to the danger and inconvenience of the general public and to the injury of the roads; and, if it is found impossible to deal with offending motorists, will he consider the advisability of closing the park to motor traffic.


I am aware that the speed limit in Richmond Park is sometimes exceeded: from the fact that 44 motorists have been summoned and fined within the last three months the hon. Member will be satisfied that I am taking steps to deal with offenders. I am not at present prepared to consider the advisability of closing the park to motor traffic: it depends, however, on the conduct of motorists themselves whether some such step may not become necessary.