§ MR. J. P. NANNETTII beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that at the national convention of the United Irish League held in Dublin last December a Resolution was adopted requesting the restoration of the fees for the teaching of Irish as an extra subject in the national schools which were available for the past thirty years, and were only withdrawn during the recent administration of the hon. Member for South Dublin; whether he is aware that similar Resolutions have been adopted by the Irish Hierarchy, by three-fourths of the public boards in Ireland and by numerous branches of the Gaelic League, and other educational bodies; whether the Treasury has yielded to this expression of Irish opinion; and, if so, what is the cause of the delay in cancelling the notice of the Commissioners of National Education withdrawing the fees.
MR. BRYCEI have seen the Resolution referred to in the first part of the Question, and am aware that many similar Resolutions have been passed. As to the remainder of the Question, I can only repeat the statement which I made to the hon. Member on the 5th instant,† namely, that the existing system for the teaching of Irish will remain in operation until June 30th next, and that matters have not yet reached a stage at which I can make a definite statement as to what change may then be made. The matter is constantly before me, and as soon as I can make a statement I will do so.
§ MR. DILLON (Mayo, E.)When may we expect the statement?