§ MR. RENDALLTo ask the Secretary, of State for War whether he is aware of the treatment accorded to certain members of the Royal Engineers civil staff at Salisbury who were transferred from the late Military Works Loan Staff at Tidworth to the Barrack Construction Branch at the War Office, but were led to decline the latter appointments owing to offers made them by the Royal Engineers authorities in the southern command in May last and accepted by them under an implication of equal tenure; and whether he is aware that these gentlemen have been recently discharged, notwithstanding the circumstances attending their engagement; and whether, in view of their removal of residence in accordance with orders, and their simultaneous discharge, it is proposed to award them any compensation for the losses they have sustained under the peculiar circumstances attending their cases.
226 (Answered by Mr. Secretary Haldane.) When the Military Loan Works at Tidworth were handed over to the Barrack Construction Department in March, 1905, the members of the Royal Engineers civil staff mentioned were offered appointments by the Director of Barrack Construction. As, however, there appeared at the time a reasonable probability of their services being required for some time to come under the Royal Engineers they elected to remain under the Royal Engineers. Subsequently it was decided to reduce the staff, and, as there were no available vacancies, these gentlemen were discharged in February, 1906. Their names have been noted for re-employment should an opportunity arise. As regards the question of compensation for losses stated to have been incurred by reason of change of residence, this matter is now under investigation.