HC Deb 31 May 1905 vol 147 c314

reported from the Committee on Group E of Private Bills; That, for the convenience of parties, the Committee had adjourned till Friday, at a quarter before Twelve of the clock.

Report to lie upon the Table.

Lautour's Divorce Bill [Lords]. Reported, without Amendment; Report to lie upon the Table.

Bill to be read the third time.

Malone's Divorce (Validation) Bill [Lords]. Reported, without Amendment; Report to lie upon the Table.

Bill to be read the third time.

Malone's Divorce (Validation) Bill [Lords], and Lautour's Divorce Bill [Lords]. Ordered, That the Minutes of Evidence and Proceedings in the House of Lords on the Second Reading of Malone's Divorce (Validation) Bill [Lords], and Lautour's Divorce Bill [Lords], together with the Documents deposited in each case, be returned to the House of Lords.—(Mr. Serjeant Hemphill.)