HC Deb 29 May 1905 vol 147 cc76-7

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War whether the system of linked battalions is still in force among the infantry of the Line; whether drafts for battalions serving abroad are still furnished from the battalions serving at home; whether, in all cases, one of the linked battalions is serving in the United Kingdom; or, if not, in how many cases are both battalions serving abroad; and how, in such cases, drafts are trained and furnished to both battalions.


The system of linked battalions is still in force and drafts are still furnished from battalions serving at home. There are four regiments which have no battalion at home. In these cases the drafts are furnished by the details with the provisional battalion formed for the purpose, or, if these are insufficient to feed both battalions, the battalion which is on short tour abroad is treated as if it were at home and is liable to be called upon for drafts for the other battalion, its link, which is abroad on its proper foreign tour.


May I ask whether the battalion of the Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, now under orders for the Mediterranean, would relieve one of the so-called home-service battalions, or whether this would not make a fifth regiment abroad without a linked battalion at home; and also whether, in the case of four battalion regiments like the 60th Rifle Brigade, the right hon. Gentleman considers that when each of these has three battalions abroad and one at home it can be held that each battalion abroad has a linked battalion at home.


No, Sir, it could not be. I must ask for notice as to the first supplementary Question.


I apologise to the House for pressing this matter, but it is of some importance to the profession. May I ask whether instead of counting four home-service battalions abroad it would not be well to take the Army List statement, which shows seven.


made no reply.


That's a poser.