HC Deb 25 May 1905 vol 146 cc1394-5
MR. THEODORE TAYLOR (Lancashire, Radcliffe)

I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board what action he has taken with reference to the Northamptonshire cases of cerebro-spinal meningitis or spotted fever; and whether, in view of the rapidity of its spread and fatal effects in Germany, special means will be taken, and, if so, what means, to prevent its spread in the United Kingdom.


The Local Government Board have caused one of their medical inspectors to visit the district affected for the purpose of ascertaining the facts, and of giving advice to the district council and their officers. As a result of the inspector's visit, the Board have expressed their willingness to entertain any proposal from the district council to make it compulsory during a limited time to notify to them cases of the disease referred to which occur in their district. I may add that the Board would be prepared to entertain similar applications from other local authorities who may deem it desirable to adopt this course, and thus to safeguard their districts from the importation and spread of the disease.


Would the right hon. Gentleman not consider it desirable to make the notification national instead of local?


Up to the present time I have not thought it desirable.