HC Deb 25 May 1905 vol 146 cc1381-3
LORD ALWYNE COMPTON (Bedfordshire, Biggleswade)

To ask the Secretary to the Board of Trade whether, having regard to the fact that the London and

the information is available, and in each case the percentage of such charges met by Parliamentary grants.

(Answered by Sir William Anson.) The Board have no returns for a complete year under the Act of 1902 for the areas named in the Question, with the exception of Grantham and Wimbledon, and in these two cases the actual figures for 1903–4 may not represent a normal year's working. The following are approximate figures based on the latest available returns:—

India Docks Company obtained powers to make a new dock so long ago as 1901, and have spent a large sum in acquiring land for the purpose, and that it is impossible that they can spend further capital in providing dock accommodation while the question of the future administration of the Port of London remains unsettled, he will state if it is the intention of the Government to bring in any further measure for dealing with the question.

(Answered by Mr. Bonar Law.) I cannot go beyond the reply which I have given on more than one occasion, that the Government is not prepared to make any proposals with respect to the Port of London this session.