HC Deb 23 May 1905 vol 146 c1132

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland can he say what was the result of the recent investigation held at Mountmellick by order of the Inspector-General of Constabulary into the charge made against Constable Reddy of using offensive and insulting expressions towards respectable residents of the town; and whether, seeing that this policeman was obliged to make a public apology before the County Court Judge at Mountmellick within the past twelve months, in a case in which he was charged with assaulting and using insulting language towards a resident in the town (which offence was alleged to have been committed outside complainant's door), he proposes that the services of Constable Reddy should be retained in Mountmellick.


Constable Reddy was found to have made an unbecoming observation, but it appeared to have been made jestingly and in reply to a remark addressed to him. He has been cautioned by the Inspector-General as to his future behaviour. In the second case referred to, an action was taken against the constable for a technical assault, which consisted in his seizing a man whom he found hiding in a gateway at night. There was no charge of using insulting language on that occasion. The County Court Judge justified the constable's conduct, but suggested that he should apologise, which he did. It is not intended to transfer the constable at present.