§ MR. FLYNN (Cork, N.)I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether, in view of the fast that the herring fishing season does not open in the majority of English and Manx fishing grounds before the months of June or July, and in view of the fact that large quantities of immature mackerel are captured by herring boats off the south coast of Ireland in the months of April and May, to the injury of the mackerel fishing and curing industry, and that the evidence given before the public inquiry in 1892 proved that large quantities of small and unsaleable haak are also captured by herring nets in these months, the Fisheries Branch of the Department of Agriculture will take steps to hold an inquiry into the complaints made by the fishermen of the south and south-west coast of Ireland regarding the injury caused to the mackerel and haak fishing industries by 972 the practice of herring fishing at an carly season of the year.
§ MR. WALTER LONGAs I have already informed the hon. Member, this matter formed the subject of an exhaustive inquiry in 1892, since when the situation has not, so far as the Department are aware, been changed in any way. It is therefore considered that no good purpose would be served by holding a further inquiry.
§ MR. FLYNNIn view of the fact that the inquiry was held thirteen years ago, when the vast majority of fishing boats did not engage in this work—except a small number of Scottish boats—will not the right hon. Gentleman, bearing in mind the responsibility of the Irish Board, hold another inquiry now?
§ MR. WALTER LONGThe Irish Board fully appreciate their responsibility, and see no change in the situation such as would make an inquiry desirable. But if the hon. Gentleman is in possession of any facts which he thinks alter the position, I shall be very glad to consider them.