§ SIR JAMES RANKINTo ask the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether, with a view to facilitate the interchange of students between the Universities in the United Kingdom and in the Colonies, he will take into his consideration the desirability of issuing from time to time a circular letter to the British Colonies, somewhat after the manner of the letter of 27th December, 1902, sent out by Lord Onslow, enclosing memoranda, from any of the Universities in the United Kingdom stating their rules and regulations for the reception of colonial students, and inviting the Colonies, on their part, to inform the Universities of the United Kingdom and the Colonial Office what rules and regulations are laid down by their Universities and technical schools for the reception of students from the Universities of the United Kingdom.
(Answered by Mr. Secretary Lyttelton.) The circular despatch of 27th December,
† See (4) Debates, exlv., 915.748 1902, was sent in consequence of a communication received from the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford, followed by a conference between representatives of the University and the representatives of the Colonies. I shall always be glad to give all possible assistance in the direction indicated by my hon. friend to any University the authorities of which may express a desire for such action.